To ensure all swimmers receive consistently high quality lessons, we believe it is in the best interest of the swimmers that we do not allow ‘make up’ classes. We understand that at times this may not be convenient for all families, however there are impacts of one-off swimmers joining your regular lesson, therefore we believe this approach provides the best swimmer experience for everyone.

If another child in your regular class is away, you will enjoy the benefit of having a smaller class that week rather than having a child replacing them for a make-up lesson.

What we do offer however to ensure flexibility is:




Holiday Absence

4 swims per Calendar Year*, prior notice required. Can be taken individually or consecutively. No charge for holiday absence.

Allow flexibility to hold enrolment at no charge when families choose to have a break for personal reasons

Medical Certificate Absence

Unlimited, must provide medical certificate within a month of the absence. Credits applied for the medical certificate absence

To ensure enrolment is held for long-term and short-term illnesses. Ensuring health of all swimmers

Medical Absence

4 per Calendar Year*, upon request prior to lesson. Child is sick and unable to attend but illness didn’t require a doctors visit. Credits applied for the medical absence

To ensure health of all swimmers, extra flexibility during winter

* Calendar Year, Jan 1 – Dec 31


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